Friday, 14 April 2017

What To Expect After Cancer

For me I found transitioning back into normal life the hardest, it was hard for me to give up work and go on sick but it was even harder to resume this and be "normal" again. I chose to go back to work before my final sick note ran out as I felt I needed to do it at some point, I did return on a phased return and am still on one now after 2 weeks of being back and will continue to be for the rest of the month. It was also hard carrying so much despair, as people viewed it, to then nothing, like you're just ordinary you again and there's no worries or fear, I mean this should be a great feeling right, but it just felt strange to me. For 5 months I had been in this whirlwind of cancer and getting treated and the ifs and doubts you have in the moment of will it work, will I be okay? to then, oh, that's it. But I think this is something that's hard for some people to understand that its not it, you're still tied into regular check ups for 10 years, you still have those internal worries of if it'll come back, of course you can't live your life worrying about this but its just there, in your unconscious mind still.

I think its best to have something to focus on, an ambition to set your mind on. I'm currently studying to become a nurse and will be beginning my full proper degree in September this year (2017) and that's what keeps me happy and motivated, and now I have this blog to hopefully help other people who may end up experiencing the same thing.

I remember being told by my specialist nurse there would be a come-down period and there sort of is, so just be aware any sad or low emotions you may be feeling even after overcoming the cancer are perfectly normal and I think they are part of the healing and digesting process of it all.

Please feel free to comment your feelings or experiences after overcoming cancer.

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