Next was radiotherapy, in some cases radiotherapy is done after surgery however in my case it was decided that it be done before due to the complicated location of my tumour and it's size. Radiotherapy was a breeze for me, aside from feeling sick quite often however, I wasn't sure if that was just travel sickness from getting a taxi there everyday and back (I live in North Manchester and was treated at The Christie's NHS Foundation Hospital which was fairly far to go everyday). I did notice a slight stiffness in my knee, more so than usual, which is a normal reaction to radiotherapy due to the radio waves thickening the fluid in your knee. I was also warned that my skin may become red, quite like a sun burn and I would possibly experience hair-loss in that area however my skin remained intact, to the surprise of the radiographers and I haven't experienced any noticeable hair-loss. Radiotherapy is a painless procedure, the common side effects are those that I have mentioned but patients do tend to also feel incredibly tired during it.
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