December 18th 2019
It has been 2+ years since I posted on this blog, I do not know if anyone will view it again, but just in case somebody searches those fateful words "synovial sarcoma" and happens to stumble across my blog I would like to give hope as I am soon to be 3 years cancer free in March 2020. Every scan since my operation in February 2017 has been clear with no signs of recurrence. I wish this be the case for everyone who has such an encounter. I still get what I can only describe as probable phantom pain in my right knee - the site of my cancer, more noticeable after being on my feet for long periods (I work 13 hour shifts), my skin is perfectly intact and my scar is now a white/silver line, barely noticeable but it never really bothered me anyway. I am now having check ups on my lungs every 6 months instead of 3, the anxiety when a scan is upcoming is still there and when waiting for the results but the rest of the time it is out of my mind and I am living a fulfilled life, always grateful. Best wishes to anyone who may read this for whatever reason you come across it.