Friday, 16 June 2017

I have been given the opportunity for my story to be used in the latest Sacroma UK campaign taking part in July 2017. I had to summarise my experience in around 400 words (I think I went a little over though) and include pictures of my journey also. I'm really excited that I can further get my story out there and help more people get diagnosed sooner and better the outcomes for those experiencing sarcoma. My story was a positive one that I am forever thankful for but not everybody else's is unfortunately so I am really hoping this campaign will help raise as much awareness as possible! ❤
16th June 2017
An update of my scar. This picture was taken today on the date stated above, roughly just over 4 months since my surgery. The scar itself is still very pink/purple on some days like today but other days its rather faint and a more light pink colour. My knee area still looks quite odd, there is a lot of swelling still which I've been told is normal but it can particularly be seen more towards the bottom of my scar after the knee cap, it doesn't look this prominent when bent however. My range of motion is still quite limited, I still cannot kneel and it is very difficult to cross my legs  (when sitting on floor for example) however I can cross one leg over the other. I can sit with my knees up but I am limited on how much I can bring my knees to my chest, this limitation could be permanent or temporary. I am now able to walk and even run up stairs now and back down which is something I was not able to do a couple of months ago.
Trip to Thornton Hall Hotel and Spa

On the 30th May - 1st June I was invited to go on a trip with 8 other girls who had gone through various other forms of cancer, the trip was organised by The Christie's due to the generosity of people who have donated to the hospitals charity and by doing amazing things such as completing marathons and skydiving all in the name of charity and to not only find a cure for the many types of cancers there are but also to enable children and young adults to have wonderful experiences that they may have never been able to afford or had the chance to do. I would like to say a huge thank you to the people that continue to donate to charities like The Christie's and many other cancer charites and say how truly appreciative I am of this experience.